Lyrics of I got the blues again

It's been so long that it's hard to think back
I've had the blues so many times It's hard to keep track
Of how I have tried to keep them keep them off of my back
But you know...I have...And that's a matter of fact

I could hear them whispering when they were back for more
I could hear them knocking knocking on my old back door
Hello they would say and would you please let us in
Looks like I got the blues I got the blues again

Up early in the morning to watch the sun rise in the East
Enjoying what nature has to offer is always such a feast
Meditating in the quiet trying to come up with a clue
How to get through this day without feeling so blue

Ya know my girl left me for another guy
But that's really not, really not the the reason why
And my bank said that they are going to foreclose
I guess that's just the way the way it goes

When I let my dog out yesterday he never came home
You know...I really don't mind just being alone
It all seems so helpless and hopeless too and that there is no end
That's why I got the blues I got the blues again

Got em good too yes I do

© 2018 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written