Lyrics of The Wanderer

As the magician waved his sparkling magic wand
A thousand years ago
In a voice so loud he yelled
No force of nature could have quelled

Shake the dreams from your head he said shake them and let them go
He said I will replace them with a new divinity
and you will roam the earth forever forever to and fro.
It's all your mind will ever know

For I know the dreams you dream of
I know your deepest secret fear
I know what you love
I know what you dread to hear

Now I'm a spirit destined forever forever to roam
The earth is my ultra dimensional universal home

As I walk past forests I can hear the creatures creeping
And the babbling brook I walk past sounds strangely like it's weeping
I see a young couple running on the beach down by the sea
So happy and so in love soon there will be three

The streets are so silent and they are so sullen
But through the silence I can still hear voices calling
I see the sun shining brightly beneath the deep blue sea
As a serpent rises to the surface and says "HELLO" to me

He says no need to look any further
No need to look very hard
For I see flesh and blood and skin and bones
This world is my grave yard

Now I can see trouble coming
But I can see you all pulling through
As long as you all pull together
The way you humans do

What you do is fine just fine with me
I can't help at all for I'm just an entity
But I always look forward forward to when
What I will see when I'm wandering, wandering, wandering again

© 2018 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written