Lyrics of Wonderland

Though this day is forever gone
Its memory will stay forever
Stored in a place only I can find
So deep so deep In my mind

This place I visit when err I can
This place I call Wonderland
Where Nature whispers As I walk
The flowers sing and animals talk

I feel the presence of a watchful eye
Watching me as I walk by
An endless forest of colorful trees
Elves tending their honey bees

Colors so bright they overwhelm me
Got to take shelter under an old Elm tree
So serene yet so so strange
With every step the colors change

Then suddenly I realize
And it comes as no surprise
Another day has forever gone.
But its magic forever will stay.

Locked in a place only I can find
So deep so deep In my mind
This place I visit when I can
This place I call WONDERLAND


© 2017 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written