Lyrics of When the day is done

When I woke this morning, the man in the mirror said, "I want you to meet someone".
Gee! I know this guy, but he looks a little shy and he most certainly looks quite dumb.
I said, "How do you do? My name is Lou". But he never answered me back.
So I named him Thomas and made myself a promise that I would know him before the day is done.

I switched off the news and put on my shoes and proceeded outside.
This place so serene, the air so clean and it always smells so good!
As the day unfurled in my water colored world, welcome to my neighborhood.
Where every thing around you will always astound you long before the day is done.

Where each new day is a brand new street, that goes on forever.
Will I explore it and be surprised or just sit here being content?
What memories will I have left when the day is spent? The music and laughter, every where.
The artists and poets, all with something to share.
Yes! I must have some fun, to be able to face the man in the mirror when the day is done. ................

© 2012 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written