Lyrics of Gone

Little did I know my Mustang was no more
But reality hit when I saw the open door
They stole it from me right off its home soil
All that was left was a couple drops of oil

They won't be kind, I know their going to beat her
Have their fun and really mistreat her
But it's getting colder and it's missing a heater
Now that most likely don't mean anything
They will just beat it some more and park it till spring

Then much much later when it's off the charts
They will chop it up and sell the parts
An engine here, a fender there
Until all the parts are scattered everywhere

Yeah it's gone, my car is gone
All I can do is just move on
It's not a life, it's just a machine
What happens next waits to be seen

© 2020 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written