Lyrics of The Wanderer's Brother

Seeing him lying on a bench at a bus stop
In his worn out tattered suit of clothes
His necktie covering both of his eyes
Dreaming of all the good things that he was once promised
And how they were all just a pack of lies

Taking all the wrong directions, never asking for advice
He traded his future for today
The ones he let persuade him
Were the ones that betrayed him
After losing all he loved along the way

But he kept on trying
For the better or the worse
Searching for the truth he never found
Always wondering if the trying
Wasn't worse than dying
Or if the going up was worth the coming down

He's a thinker, thinker
He's a doer, doer
He's a poet, poet
and a prophet, prophet and at peace when he's alone
Consternation became exhilaration
The truth wasn't fiction
The whole world is his home
Is his home

© 2021 Bruce Coghill for Lyrics, Dan Carlson for Song. All rights reserved.
Feel free to copy and distribute the song and lyrics above.
But mass marketing or selling for profit is strictly prohibited without expressed written